ponder 3.2
C++ reflection library
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cponder::archive::ArchiveReader< ARCHIVE >
 Cponder::archive::ArchiveWriter< ARCHIVE >
 Cponder::ArgsWrapper for packing an arbitrary number of arguments into a single object
 Cponder::archive::RapidXmlArchive< CH >::ArrayIteratorFacilitate iteration over XML elements/arrays
 Cponder::archive::RapidJsonArchiveReader::ArrayIteratorFacilitate iteration over JSON arrays
 CArrayMapperTemplate providing a mapping between C++ arrays and Ponder ArrayProperty
 Cponder::ClassBuilder< T >Proxy class which fills a metaclass with its members
 Cponder::ClassVisitorBase class for writing custom Class visitors
 Cponder::EnumBuilderProxy class which fills a metaenum with its members
 Cponder::EnumObjectWrapper to manipulate enumerated values in the Ponder system
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cponder::ErrorBase class for every exception thrown in Ponder
 Cponder::BadTypeError thrown when providing a metavalue whose type is incompatible with what's expected
 Cponder::BadArgumentError thrown when providing a function argument which is incompatible with what the function expects
 Cponder::ClassAlreadyCreatedError thrown when a declaring a metaclass that already exists
 Cponder::ClassNotFoundError thrown when a metaclass couldn't be found (either by its name or its id)
 Cponder::ClassUnrelatedError thrown when trying to convert an object to a class that is not a base nor a derived
 Cponder::EnumAlreadyCreatedError thrown when a declaring a metaenum that already exists
 Cponder::EnumNameNotFoundError thrown when the value of a metaenum couldn't be found by its name
 Cponder::EnumNotFoundError thrown when a metaenum couldn't be found (either by its name or its id)
 Cponder::EnumValueNotFoundError thrown when a value in a metaenum couldn't be found
 Cponder::ForbiddenCallError thrown when calling a function that is not callable
 Cponder::ForbiddenReadError thrown when trying to read a property that is not readable
 Cponder::ForbiddenWriteError thrown when trying to write a function that is not writable
 Cponder::FunctionNotFoundError thrown when a function can't be found in a metaclass (by its name)
 Cponder::NotEnoughArgumentsError thrown when a declaring a metaclass that already exists
 Cponder::NullObjectError thrown when trying to use an empty metaobject
 Cponder::OutOfRangeError thrown when using an index which is out of bounds
 Cponder::PropertyNotFoundError thrown when a property can't be found in a metaclass (by its name)
 Cponder::TypeAmbiguityError thrown when cannot distinguish between multiple type instance
 Cponder::runtime::FunctionCallerThis object is used to invoke a function
 Cponder::IUserDataStoreInterface to UserData store
 Cponder::archive::RapidJsonArchiveWriter< ARCHIVE >::JsonNode
 Cponder::uses::LuaUseLua behaviour
 Cponder::archive::RapidJsonArchiveReader::NodeAn abstract node within the JSON archive
 Cponder::NoTypeSpecial empty type associated to noType
 Cponder::runtime::ObjectCallerThis object is used to invoke a object member function, or method
 Cponder::runtime::ObjectFactoryThis object is used to create instances of metaclasses
 Cponder::ObserverReceives notification about creation / destruction of metaclasses and metaenums
 Cponder::Enum::PairStructure defining the <name, value> pairs stored in metaenums
 Cponder::archive::RapidJsonArchiveReaderRead from an archive that uses JSON format as storage
 Cponder::archive::RapidJsonArchiveWriter< ARCHIVE >Write to an archive that uses JSON format as storage
 Cponder::archive::RapidXmlArchive< CH >Archive used to read/write using XML
 Cponder::policy::ReturnCopyCall return copy policy
 Cponder::policy::ReturnInternalRefCall return internal reference policy
 Cponder::policy::ReturnMultipleReturn multiple values
 Cponder::uses::RuntimeUseRuntime behaviour
 Cponder::TypeBase class for all supported types
 Cponder::ClassPonder::Class represents a metaclass composed of properties and functions
 Cponder::ConstructorRepresents a metaconstructor which is used to create objects instances from metaclasses
 Cponder::EnumPonder::Enum represents a metaenum composed of <name, value> pairs
 Cponder::FunctionAbstract representation of a function
 Cponder::PropertyAbstract representation of a property
 Cponder::ArrayPropertySpecialized type of property for arrays
 Cponder::EnumPropertySpecialized type of property for enums
 Cponder::SimplePropertyBase class for all simple types of properties
 Cponder::UserPropertySpecialized type of property for user types
 Cponder::UserDataName-value user data
 Cponder::UserObjectWrapper to manipulate user objects in the Ponder system
 Cponder::uses::UsesGlobal information on the compile-time type Uses
 Cponder::ValueVariant class which is used to wrap values in the Ponder system
 Cponder_ext::ValueMapperTemplate providing a mapping between C++ types/values and Ponder types/values
 Cponder::ValueVisitor< T >Base class for writing custom Value visitors
 Cponder::View< T, IT >
 Cponder::ViewIterator< T, IT >