ponder 3.2
C++ reflection library
ponder::archive::RapidJsonArchiveWriter< ARCHIVE > Class Template Reference

Write to an archive that uses JSON format as storage. More...

#include <rapidjson.hpp>


struct  JsonNode

Public Types

using Node = JsonNode *

Public Member Functions

 RapidJsonArchiveWriter (ARCHIVE &archive)
Node beginChild (Node parent, const std::string &name)
void endChild (Node parent, Node child)
void setProperty (Node node, const std::string &name, const std::string &text)
Node beginArray (Node parent, const std::string &name)
void endArray (Node, Node)
detail::string_view getValue (Node node)
bool isValid (Node node)

Detailed Description

template<typename ARCHIVE>
class ponder::archive::RapidJsonArchiveWriter< ARCHIVE >

Write to an archive that uses JSON format as storage.

The RapidJSON library is used for JSON parsing and formatting.

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