ponder 3.2
C++ reflection library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NponderRoot namespace that encapsulates all of Ponder
 CRapidJsonArchiveReaderRead from an archive that uses JSON format as storage
 CArrayIteratorFacilitate iteration over JSON arrays
 CNodeAn abstract node within the JSON archive
 CRapidJsonArchiveWriterWrite to an archive that uses JSON format as storage
 CRapidXmlArchiveArchive used to read/write using XML
 CArrayIteratorFacilitate iteration over XML elements/arrays
 NpolicyPonder policy options
 CReturnCopyCall return copy policy
 CReturnInternalRefCall return internal reference policy
 CReturnMultipleReturn multiple values
 NruntimeContains Ponder runtime support public API
 CFunctionCallerThis object is used to invoke a function
 CObjectCallerThis object is used to invoke a object member function, or method
 CObjectFactoryThis object is used to create instances of metaclasses
 NusesUses for Ponder. Code within this namespace uses the types registered with Ponder for various purposes
 CLuaUseLua behaviour
 CRuntimeUseRuntime behaviour
 CUsesGlobal information on the compile-time type Uses
 CArgsWrapper for packing an arbitrary number of arguments into a single object
 CArrayPropertySpecialized type of property for arrays
 CBadArgumentError thrown when providing a function argument which is incompatible with what the function expects
 CBadTypeError thrown when providing a metavalue whose type is incompatible with what's expected
 CClassPonder::Class represents a metaclass composed of properties and functions
 CClassAlreadyCreatedError thrown when a declaring a metaclass that already exists
 CClassBuilderProxy class which fills a metaclass with its members
 CClassNotFoundError thrown when a metaclass couldn't be found (either by its name or its id)
 CClassUnrelatedError thrown when trying to convert an object to a class that is not a base nor a derived
 CClassVisitorBase class for writing custom Class visitors
 CConstructorRepresents a metaconstructor which is used to create objects instances from metaclasses
 CEnumPonder::Enum represents a metaenum composed of <name, value> pairs
 CPairStructure defining the <name, value> pairs stored in metaenums
 CEnumAlreadyCreatedError thrown when a declaring a metaenum that already exists
 CEnumBuilderProxy class which fills a metaenum with its members
 CEnumNameNotFoundError thrown when the value of a metaenum couldn't be found by its name
 CEnumNotFoundError thrown when a metaenum couldn't be found (either by its name or its id)
 CEnumObjectWrapper to manipulate enumerated values in the Ponder system
 CEnumPropertySpecialized type of property for enums
 CEnumValueNotFoundError thrown when a value in a metaenum couldn't be found
 CErrorBase class for every exception thrown in Ponder
 CForbiddenCallError thrown when calling a function that is not callable
 CForbiddenReadError thrown when trying to read a property that is not readable
 CForbiddenWriteError thrown when trying to write a function that is not writable
 CFunctionAbstract representation of a function
 CFunctionNotFoundError thrown when a function can't be found in a metaclass (by its name)
 CIUserDataStoreInterface to UserData store
 CNotEnoughArgumentsError thrown when a declaring a metaclass that already exists
 CNoTypeSpecial empty type associated to noType
 CNullObjectError thrown when trying to use an empty metaobject
 CObserverReceives notification about creation / destruction of metaclasses and metaenums
 COutOfRangeError thrown when using an index which is out of bounds
 CPropertyAbstract representation of a property
 CPropertyNotFoundError thrown when a property can't be found in a metaclass (by its name)
 CSimplePropertyBase class for all simple types of properties
 CTypeBase class for all supported types
 CTypeAmbiguityError thrown when cannot distinguish between multiple type instance
 CUserDataName-value user data
 CUserObjectWrapper to manipulate user objects in the Ponder system
 CUserPropertySpecialized type of property for user types
 CValueVariant class which is used to wrap values in the Ponder system
 CValueVisitorBase class for writing custom Value visitors
 Nponder_extPonder user extendable namespace
 CValueMapperTemplate providing a mapping between C++ types/values and Ponder types/values
 CArrayMapperTemplate providing a mapping between C++ arrays and Ponder ArrayProperty