C++ reflection library
▼Nponder | Root namespace that encapsulates all of Ponder |
▼Narchive | |
CArchiveReader | |
CArchiveWriter | |
▼CRapidJsonArchiveReader | Read from an archive that uses JSON format as storage |
CArrayIterator | Facilitate iteration over JSON arrays |
CNode | An abstract node within the JSON archive |
▼CRapidJsonArchiveWriter | Write to an archive that uses JSON format as storage |
CJsonNode | |
▼CRapidXmlArchive | Archive used to read/write using XML |
CArrayIterator | Facilitate iteration over XML elements/arrays |
▼Npolicy | Ponder policy options |
CParameter | |
CReturnCopy | Call return copy policy |
CReturnInternalRef | Call return internal reference policy |
CReturnMultiple | Return multiple values |
▼Nruntime | Contains Ponder runtime support public API |
CFunctionCaller | This object is used to invoke a function |
CObjectCaller | This object is used to invoke a object member function, or method |
CObjectFactory | This object is used to create instances of metaclasses |
▼Nuses | Uses for Ponder. Code within this namespace uses the types registered with Ponder for various purposes |
CLuaUse | Lua behaviour |
CRuntimeUse | Runtime behaviour |
CUses | Global information on the compile-time type Uses |
CArgs | Wrapper for packing an arbitrary number of arguments into a single object |
CArrayProperty | Specialized type of property for arrays |
CBadArgument | Error thrown when providing a function argument which is incompatible with what the function expects |
CBadType | Error thrown when providing a metavalue whose type is incompatible with what's expected |
CClass | Ponder::Class represents a metaclass composed of properties and functions |
CClassAlreadyCreated | Error thrown when a declaring a metaclass that already exists |
CClassBuilder | Proxy class which fills a metaclass with its members |
CClassNotFound | Error thrown when a metaclass couldn't be found (either by its name or its id) |
CClassUnrelated | Error thrown when trying to convert an object to a class that is not a base nor a derived |
CClassVisitor | Base class for writing custom Class visitors |
CConstructor | Represents a metaconstructor which is used to create objects instances from metaclasses |
▼CEnum | Ponder::Enum represents a metaenum composed of <name, value> pairs |
CPair | Structure defining the <name, value> pairs stored in metaenums |
CEnumAlreadyCreated | Error thrown when a declaring a metaenum that already exists |
CEnumBuilder | Proxy class which fills a metaenum with its members |
CEnumNameNotFound | Error thrown when the value of a metaenum couldn't be found by its name |
CEnumNotFound | Error thrown when a metaenum couldn't be found (either by its name or its id) |
CEnumObject | Wrapper to manipulate enumerated values in the Ponder system |
CEnumProperty | Specialized type of property for enums |
CEnumValueNotFound | Error thrown when a value in a metaenum couldn't be found |
CError | Base class for every exception thrown in Ponder |
CForbiddenCall | Error thrown when calling a function that is not callable |
CForbiddenRead | Error thrown when trying to read a property that is not readable |
CForbiddenWrite | Error thrown when trying to write a function that is not writable |
CFunction | Abstract representation of a function |
CFunctionNotFound | Error thrown when a function can't be found in a metaclass (by its name) |
CIUserDataStore | Interface to UserData store |
CNotEnoughArguments | Error thrown when a declaring a metaclass that already exists |
CNoType | Special empty type associated to noType |
CNullObject | Error thrown when trying to use an empty metaobject |
CObserver | Receives notification about creation / destruction of metaclasses and metaenums |
COutOfRange | Error thrown when using an index which is out of bounds |
CProperty | Abstract representation of a property |
CPropertyNotFound | Error thrown when a property can't be found in a metaclass (by its name) |
CSimpleProperty | Base class for all simple types of properties |
CType | Base class for all supported types |
CTypeAmbiguity | Error thrown when cannot distinguish between multiple type instance |
CUserData | Name-value user data |
CUserObject | Wrapper to manipulate user objects in the Ponder system |
CUserProperty | Specialized type of property for user types |
CValue | Variant class which is used to wrap values in the Ponder system |
CValueVisitor | Base class for writing custom Value visitors |
CView | |
CViewIterator | |
▼Nponder_ext | Ponder user extendable namespace |
CValueMapper | Template providing a mapping between C++ types/values and Ponder types/values |
CArrayMapper | Template providing a mapping between C++ arrays and Ponder ArrayProperty |