ponder 3.2
C++ reflection library
Ponder 2.x Release Notes
These a notes for an older API for reference. The details may have changed and therefore the links and code may not work. Make sure you check the latest docs.

2.0 Release Notes

date: 2016-09-18

Ponder has undergone some significant changes in this release. V1 featured the removal of Boost. Subsequent versions have added more features. V2 is moving towards a different design.


The biggest change is the decoupling of the runtime usage of the declared data. In CAMP/V1 the declared Function contains both the data about the function and the call interface. Additionally it contains controls for the calling, i.e. callable().

class Function // V1
const std::string& name() const;
std::size_t argCount() const;
Type returnType() const;
Type argType(std::size_t index) const;
bool callable(const UserObject& object) const;
Value call(const UserObject& object, const Args& args = Args::empty) const;

In V2 we are moving towards Function being an immutable data object containing information about the function, but no interface for calling. This has been moved to the "runtime" namespace.

class Function // V2
IdRef name() const;
FunctionKind kind() const;
ValueKind returnType() const;
policy::ReturnKind returnPolicy() const;
std::size_t paramCount() const;
ValueKind paramType(std::size_t index) const;

In ponder::runtime we now have an ObjectCaller. This retrieves the requested function and allows you to call it. So the use of the Function data is decoupled from the data. This stops the Function data from being polluted with a particular usage of the data.

class ObjectCaller
ObjectCaller(const Function &fn);
template <typename... A>
Value call(const UserObject &obj, A... args);


You might notice from the above that several things have been renamed, e.g. arguments are now parameters. In the declaration we declare parameters, i.e. what the function receives. Arguments are what are given to the function when called.

There are also words which have been overloaded, which causes confusion. "Type" can mean a data type, or a group's classification, e.g. int vs integer. Classifications are now "kinds", i.e. a kind of integer. This might seem pedantic but in an API like this type is used extensively!

enum class ValueKind
    None,       // No type has been defined yet
    Boolean,    // Boolean type (bool)
    Integer,    // Integer types (unsigned/signed char short int long)
    Real,       // Real types (float, double)
    String,     // String types (char*, ponder::String)
    Enum,       // Enumerated types
    Array,      // Array types (std::vector, std::list, T[])
    User        // User-defined classes

enum class FunctionKind
    None,               // not a function
    Function,           // a function
    MemberFunction,     // function in a class or struct
    MemberObject,       // object in a class or struct
    FunctionWrapper,    // `std::function<>`
    BindExpression,     // `std::bind()`
    Lambda              // lambda function `[](){}`

Another example is renaming PONDER_RTTI to PONDER_POLYMORPHIC (issue #36). The macro only needs to be added to a user API when we want to support polymorphism.

Lua binding generator

A new feature is the Lua binding generator (issue #40). Please note this is still in development at the current time and could change significantly. This can expose a class declaration to Lua so that the functions can be called and the properties can get and set values. More articles to come.

Added support for binding to static functions (issue #46)

We can now add non-member functions to a class declaration. This can be a class static function, or a non-class function.

Added function call return policies (issue #51)

Declared functions that return values can declare return policies. If a function returns, say, a const reference this is ambiguous. It could either be a reference that will be copied to form a new object, or a reference to an internal object that we want to inspect. We can now use ponder::policy::ReturnCopy and ponder::policy::ReturnInternalRef to choose which one to return. The API will bind the function accordingly.

Removed UserObject parent-child. Simplification, unused.

UserObjects had a parent-child relationship. I am unsure of the use for this and in complicated the UserObject implementation somewhat so it has been removed.

2.1 Release Notes

date: 2016-10-12

The emphasis was on Lua scripting in this release.

Lua: Improved function bindings

In the previous release, Ponder used the runtime metaclass function information at runtime to call functions, i.e. runtime introspection. This can be a little inefficient though as the runtime caller requires us to convert arguments to ponder::Values for calling. For example a function accepting a const char* parameter would generate a temporary std::string in a ponder::Value, part of ponder::Args, which would be discarded after the call. Returns values were also converted to ponder::Values, which need to be converted back into user types.

This has been made more efficient, and more flexible, by adding a direct Lua binding. Now the Lua API is used directly from the compile-time metadata, so no ponder::Value coercion is necessary.

Lua: Custom type conversion

This direct binding also means that the Lua function parameters can be customised, so we can convert user types to Lua types, customised per type if necessary. ponder_ext::LuaValueReader is used to read Lua values, and ponder_ext::LuaValueWriter to write back. The ponder_ext namespace is used here to signify that user extensions are allowed.

Lua: Table parameters

Functions can accept Lua table parameters. ponder_ext::LuaTable can be declared as a function parameter. The binding then expects table to be passed to the declared function and the Lua API can be used to parse the table.

struct TableClass
int a;
std::string b;
// Function accepting a Lua table. User writes parser.
void init(ponder_ext::LuaTable lt)
assert(lua_istable(lt.L, -1)); // should be guaranteed by conversion
lua_getfield(lt.L, -1, "a");
a = luaL_checknumber(lt.L, -1);
lua_pop(lt.L, 1);
lua_getfield(lt.L, -1, "b");
b = luaL_checkstring(lt.L, -1);
lua_pop(lt.L, 1);

Declare as normal:

.function("init", &Parsing::init)
.property("a", &Parsing::a)
.property("b", &Parsing::b)

From Lua:

p = Parsing()
p:init{a=77, b='some text'}               -- table is passed to user function
assert(p.a == 77 and p.b == 'some text')  -- check values set correctly

Lua: Multiple return values

Declared functions can return multiple values to Lua using tuples. A policy is used to denote this.

struct Vec
float x,y;
Vec() : x(0), y(0) {}
Vec(float x_, float y_) : x(x_), y(y_) {}
std::tuple<float,float> get() const { return std::make_tuple(x,y); }


.constructor<float, float>()
.property("x", &Vec::x)
.property("y", &Vec::y)
.function("get", &Vec::get, policy::ReturnMultiple()) // tuple to multiple policy
ponder::lua::expose<Vec>(L, "Vec2");

From Lua:

t = Vec2(11,22)       -- create vector
x,y = t:get()         -- get scalars via multiple return values

Lua: Enum support

The Lua state can be populate with registered enums now.

enum class Colour { Red, Green, Blue };


.value("red", Colour::Red)
.value("green", Colour::Green)
.value("blue", Colour::Blue)
ponder::lua::expose<Colour>(L, "Colour");

From Lua:

assert(Colour.red == 0)
assert(Colour.green == 1)
assert(Colour.blue == 2)

2.2 Release Notes

fmt library removed

In this release we removed the dependency on the fmt print formatter library. Although this is an excellent library it causes problems if a Ponder client application is also using it. See issue #59. We could work around these problems, but fmt was not used extensively so it is easier to remove it and deal with any performance issue directly.

Enumeration of abstract value types supported by Ponder Values.
Definition: type.hpp:70
@ Function
a function
Enumeration of the kinds of function recognised.
Definition: type.hpp:103
static Value call(const Function &fn, const UserObject &obj, A &&... args)
Call a member function.
Definition: runtime.hpp:341